Primary packaging / Pharma & Co.

Our specialty - for over 20 years.


Possible formats in LDPE and HDPE


70 – 1.500 mm


100 – 3.000 mm


0.017 – 0.250 mm for PE-LD
from 0.012 mm for PE-HD

As one of the first film manufacturers to tackle this special topic more than 25 years ago, we still produce primary packaging materials in particularly sophisticated designs for well-known pharmaceutical companies. This is done in a specially equipped pharmaceutical room with particularly high standards of cleanliness and hygiene in accordance with the principle of “good manufacturing practice” (GMP).

Regular GMP customer audits, the close cooperation of our QA with our raw material suppliers and, last but not least, many years of experience have resulted in a continuous increase in the quality standard.

NEW: Antistatic bags in pharmagrade

New development: Film pouches and bags in 100my, which comply with Ph.Eur.3.1.3. Including documentation, declarations and certificates. Suitable for use in ATEX zones: low in germs and particles and easy to handle as no "glass plate effect". Talk to us and try it out.

Areas of application:

Ultra-clean primary packaging materials for the clean room and other sensitive production departments. When it comes to handling valuable, toxic substances such as APIs, Rhein-Plast bags are used. Of course, in addition to the usual quality, you will also receive these with all the necessary certificates, approvals, confirmations according to the European Pharmacopoeia, the US Pharmacopeia (USP), DMF, BfR, FDA etc.. Also BSE/TSE declarations. You don’t know what you need? Ask us and visit

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to write to us directly, we will help you…

Karsten Meuser (Pharma South)

Phone: 06322 / 798-151

André Soyez (Pharma North)

Phone: 06322 / 798-194

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