Round bottom bags in mono-film design

new: the optimal and environmentally friendly liner for round shaped secondary containers

Product data


  • for hobbocks: 5 – 40 l
  • for plastic drums: 30, 60, 120 and 220 l
  • for steel drums: 50 to 225 l


  • open on top
  • with bottle neck for dust-free filling


PE-LD, mono film. Corresponding to the Ph.Eur. 3.1.3. or 3.1.4, USP, Food Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011.

Against the backdrop of sustainability, it is becoming increasingly important to use so-called secondary containers such as drums, hobbocks or buckets several times without having to clean them in an energy- and time-intensive way. For this case, round bottom bags can be used as a liner. If these are then 100% recyclable – as it is the case with a mono-material made of plastic – it can improve the Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) and your carbon footprint. At the same time, safety for your product must not be compromised. A material according to Ph.Eur.3.1.3 or 3.1.4, USP and the food regulation EU( No. 10/2011) ensures this.

At the customer’s request, the round bottom bags can also be equipped with additives such as antistatics, lubricants and coloring.

Describe your requirements to us and we will work out a solution together with you.

Sustainable and certified? It works!

# safe for your product
# good for your carbon footprint # saves the cleaning process of round secondary containers.

Areas of application:

Round bottom bags in mono film design based on high-purity PE materials for sensitive packaging goods. Typical applications as primary packaging material, i.e. packaging material that comes into direct contact with your product, e.g. in the cosmetics, chemical, food or pharmaceutical industries. In other words, everywhere where reactions and contamination from the packaging must be strictly avoided.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to write to us directly, we will help you…

Karsten Meuser (Pharma South)

Phone: 06322 / 798-151

André Soyez (Pharma North)

Phone: 06322 / 798-194

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